Popup Triggers

Learn how to use the trigger condition in the popup.

When your visitors get the popup?: This setting determines when the popup will be shown.

Note: Choose the trigger(s) that will launch your popup. If you choose more than one, the first one that gets triggered will launch the popup ("OR" condition).

The Exit-Intent trigger is activated when a visitor shows an intention to leave your website.

  • This trigger is effective in reducing cart abandonment and converting more visitors into customers.

  1. Scroll

The scroll trigger activates a popup after a visitor scrolls down a certain percentage of the page.

  • This trigger engages visitors as they explore your content, providing an opportunity to convey important messages or offers.

  1. Add to Cart Trigger

Capture customer attention right after they add to the cart with a targeted popup. Prompt them for their email, offering incentives to reduce cart abandonment. Enhance engagement and boost conversions.

Capture the Class Name from the Product Page:

  1. Go to any product page on your website.

  2. Click on the product to navigate to its details page.

  3. Click on the "Add to Cart" button.

  4. Right-click on the page and select "Inspect".

  5. Locate the HTML code for the "Add to Cart" button within the opened Developer Tools.

  6. Right-click on the highlighted code, representing the button, and choose "Copy" to copy the class name.

  1. Paste the copied class name here for further use. This class name will be used to trigger specific actions related to the "Add to Cart" functionality.

Can add multiple IDs or classes for any specific product by clicking ‘+ Add’.

  1. Time-Based

A time-based trigger initiates a popup after a specified number of seconds of page engagement.

  • This trigger allows you to strategically time your popups, ensuring they appear at an optimal moment during the visitor's session.

  1. Click

The Click trigger is activated when a visitor clicks on specific elements using their class or ID.

Capture Class Names for Multiple Products

  1. Visit your product's main page on the website.

  2. For each product, click on the "Add to Cart" button.

  3. Right-click on the button and choose "Inspect".

  4. In the Developer Tools, find the HTML code for the "Add to Cart" button.

  5. Right-click on the highlighted code, representing the button, and choose "Copy" to copy the class name.

  1. Paste the copied class name here for future use.

  2. Repeat the same process for multiple products, capturing the unique class names for each.

By doing this, you'll have the necessary class names to trigger actions on specific elements, facilitating a seamless process for your website's functionality.

  1. Idle Timeout:

Trigger popup following a period of visitor inactivity.

  • This trigger helps re-engage visitors who may have become inactive, providing an opportunity to retain their attention.

Last updated