Retainful Settings

Learn how to configure the settings in the Retainful dashboard.

Login to your Retainful dashboard -> Account Settings. There, you can find the following sections,

  1. General

  2. Email

  3. Suppression List


You can find your API Keys, currency & time zone settings, and abandoned carts settings in the ‘General’ section.

API Keys: If you’re using Retainful in a WooCommerce, you can copy the API Keys from here and paste them into your WordPress dashboard -> Connection page to connect the WooCommerce store with your Retainful dashboard.

Currency & Time Zone: If you have a multi-currency store, you can choose your preferred currency code in the dropdown. The metrics in the ‘Retainful dashboard’ and ‘Cart Activity’ will appear for that selected currency as default.

And, you can select the Time Zone that you would like to apply for the dates and times in Retainful.

Abandoned Carts: This section contains four fields.

  • Send a notification to the store administrator when there is a conversion - You can set this to ‘Enable’ if you would like to receive an email notification when someone recovers a cart or makes a repeat purchase (Post Purchase conversion).

  • Handle duplicate carts automatically? - Set this to ‘Enable’ if you would like to handle duplicate carts automatically.

  • When to consider a cart as abandoned? (Applicable only for Metrics & Carts Activity) - You can select a time (in minutes) from the dropdown to determine when a cart can be marked as ‘Abandoned’ in the Retainful dashboard.

  • Threshold for duplicate carts - Select the time duration (in hours) from the dropdown. (For example, if it’s set to ‘24’, if a customer creates two carts with the same items, same email address, and from the same browser at different times on the same day, the second cart will be marked as ‘Duplicate’... The duplicate cart will not be tracked and emails will not be sent)

NOTE: Make sure to click on ‘Save Changes’ after making any changes in the settings.


In this section, you can configure the ‘Email Properties’ and ‘Sending Domain’.

Email Properties: You need to enter the ‘From Name’, ‘From email address’, and ‘Reply to’ address in the section. So, when emails are being sent from Retainful, the emails will bear your shop name, from, and reply to email address.

Sending Domain: You can use this option if you would like to add and verify the sending domain name so that emails will carry your domain signature (DKIM) and will appear to come from your brand, instead of Retainful’s shared domain.

Here you can learn how to configure the ‘Sending Domain’.

Last updated