Suppression List
Overview of Retainful Suppression List Settings
Last updated
Overview of Retainful Suppression List Settings
Last updated
A suppression list is a list of email addresses that should not receive marketing communications. This list typically includes unsubscribed users, bounced emails, or customers who have opted out of receiving further emails. By maintaining a suppression list, businesses ensure they comply with privacy regulations and avoid sending unwanted emails to recipients.
The Suppression List option helps ensure a better email delivery rate by automatically managing contacts that may cause issues, such as bounces or spam complaints. With this feature, contacts that repeatedly trigger delivery problems are automatically added to the suppression list and excluded from receiving future emails.
By enabling the Suppression List, Retainful will automatically add contacts to the suppression list if they have repeated bounces or spam complaints, ensuring that these contacts do not receive any more emails.
You can set a threshold for the number of bounces after which a contact will be added to the suppression list. For example:
You can set a threshold for the number of bounces after which a contact will be added to the suppression list. EXAMPLE 1
Suppress contacts if emails bounce at least:
Set the threshold to a specific number of bounce events (e.g., 2 or 3).
If you set the bounce threshold to 3 and an email fails to be delivered three times, the customer will automatically be added to the suppression list and will no longer receive emails from you.
How it Works
Retainful will track each email sent to a contact and monitor delivery attempts.
If an email bounces or results in a spam complaint more than the set threshold, the contact will be added to the suppression list.
Once added, these contacts will not receive future marketing or transactional emails, helping to improve your email deliverability rates.