How to check conversions

In this article, let us learn how to check the Abandoned Carts and Post Purchase conversion reports.

Abandoned Carts and Conversions

Retainful offers real-time monitoring and a complete analysis of abandoned carts and recovered carts. One can view these reports on the Retainful dashboard, Abandoned Carts section

The recent carts will be displayed on the dashboard itself.

You can find the following information about the recent carts:

  1. Cart ID

  2. Status of the carts

  3. Customer email address

  4. Order Total

  5. Created date

  6. Marketing Consent

  7. Customer phone number

While clicking on the view icon, you will be able to view the cart information like items, quantity, subtotal, and total.

If you would like to see all your abandoned carts, live carts, and recovered carts, you can just click on 'See all' to go to the 'Cart Activity' Section.


Go to Retainful dashboard -> Metrics -> Conversions, you can find the detailed conversions list (abandoned carts, post-purchase, campaigns, and referrals).

Just click the dropdown box to see a particular campaign conversions.

Last updated