Welcome New Customers with Dynamic Coupon

Learn how Retainful welcomes new customers by offering dynamic coupons, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

In Retainful, “Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupons” is a feature that empowers businesses to create engaging experiences for new customers through dynamic coupons. This feature allows you to welcome and incentivize new customers and boost customer loyalty.

In this guide, we are going to learn the following:

Turning Visitors into Customers with a Welcome Workflow

The importance of this feature lies in its ability to attract new customers and increase brand value. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Creates Urgency and Boosts Sales: Offering customers limited, time-bound coupons encourage them to make quick purchase decisions.

  2. Attracts New Customers: You can delight first-time customers with welcome discounts and turn them into loyal ones.

To kickstart your customer engagement process, you need to set up a welcome popup, create a list, and then integrate this list into a workflow for welcoming new customers with dynamic coupons.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

Creating a welcome sign-up form

The welcome popup signup form plays a crucial role as the initial point of interaction for users on a website. It serves as an engaging introduction, offering a brief overview of the website's offerings and encouraging users to sign up for a more personalized experience.

Which has been shown to increase conversion rates by providing a clear call to action and effectively converting visitors into registered users or customers.

Now, we have a way to reach out to them.

WooCommerce Merchants

In WooCommerce, you need to enable the "Sign up form" in the Retainful plugin

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard -> Retainful -> Settings

  • Set 'Enable Signup Forms / Popups' to 'Yes'.

  • Save

Let's create the Welcome Sign-up form

  • Login to your Retainful dashboard.

  • Go to Sign-up Forms and click on 'Create a Form'.

  • Provide a name for the form.

  • Choose an Audience list

In case, you do not have any existing List, you can create one.

  • Choose "Welcome signup form" as the type.

  • Click on " Create a form".

Choose Template:

  • Choose from our pre-designed signup form templates or start from scratch and customize it according to your preferences.

Customizing your Sign up form template

Retainful allows you to customize the popup design. You can change the default text, button text, and more.

The drag-and-drop editor comes with a number of styling options to help you customize your sign up form template.

Blocks: Use a range of customizable blocks such as text, images, and buttons. You can drag and drop these blocks to add more content elements

Style Manager: This allows you to adjust position and style settings to suit their preferences, enhancing the visual appeal of the pop-up.

Learn more about the popup editor and how to work with it: Click here

  • Page Manager:

Located at the top of the editor, it includes tabs like “Main Page”, “Thank You”, and “Teaser”. These represent different stages in the pop-up transition, from email collection to the display of the thank you page with the coupon.

  • Save the Form at the top right corner, After making all the desired changes.

Sign-Up Form Settings:

With the signup form settings, you can set the following:

  • Devices: Options to enable the popup for Desktop and Mobile.

  • Teaser: A toggle to enable the teaser.

  • Edit Template: A button to edit the popup template.

Settings Summary

  1. Choose Audience List: A dropdown menu to add or change the list.

Note: You can add a maximum of 5 lists, but only one list can be added to the workflow.

The lists created or added can be used for future campaign purposes. This allows users to effectively target their audience in subsequent campaigns, making the process more streamlined and efficient.

  1. When do your visitors get the popup?: This setting determines when the popup will be shown.

Note: Choose the trigger(s) that will launch your popup. If you choose more than one, the first one that gets triggered will launch the popup ("OR" condition).

  • Time-Based: A time-based trigger initiates a popup after a specified number of seconds of page engagement (Auto-enabled) as it is a welcome popup form.

  • The default time for this is set at 10 seconds, but you have the flexibility to adjust it according to your preference, determining when you want it to appear.

Trigger options:

Unlock flexibility by activating multiple trigger options according to your preferences. Learn how to configure these triggers for optimal engagement: Click here.

  1. Choose who sees (or doesn't see) the popup

Visitor Session: (Auto Enabled)

New Visitors: With the "Visitor Session" setting for new visitors, for the users who are accessing your site for the first time. This allows you to introduce them to special offers in your store.

Popup Visibility

Diversify targeting options by activating multiple settings aligned with your preferences. Discover how to configure these targeted options for precise audience engagement: Click here.

This step empowers you to effectively tailor popups, ensuring they reach specific audiences based on your desired criteria.

Enable the Form

  • After confirming your settings, take the next step by enabling the form and saving your configurations.

1. When a new customer enters your website, he will see the popup:

2. Upon the customer's entry of their email address and the click on "send me the coupon code," an enticing discount code is revealed in a popup.

This exclusive offer serves as a powerful incentive, motivating the customer to finalize their purchase. It not only adds value to their shopping experience but also enhances the likelihood of completing the transaction.

Creating a Welcome Workflow

Creating a workflow can help you automatically generate and send a unique coupon for anyone who subscribe to the sign up form. This step is optional. You have the option to display a static coupon code upon a visitor subscribing via the sign up form.

However, if you would like to offer a unique, exclusive coupon code to each new customer, you will need a workflow to automate the process. Also, this helps you send automated follow up emails in case the customer does not make a purchase after signing up.

Before creating the workflow, the following are some of the best practices you can adopt when welcoming the new customers.

Number of Emails:

It’s recommended to send a series of 3 to 4 emails to engage the customer effectively. The first email should welcome the customer and provide the dynamic coupon. If the customer hasn’t made a purchase yet, a reminder email should be sent. Finally, a last-call email should be sent before the coupon expires.

Email 1: Sent once after the customer submits the form

Welcome to {{shop.name}} and give them the 10% coupon for the first purchase

  • Engagement: This email serves as the first point of contact and helps establish a relationship with the customer. It sets the tone for future communications.

  • Incentive: The 10% coupon acts as an incentive for the customer to make their first purchase, thereby driving sales.

  • Brand Awareness: This email helps in building brand awareness and loyalty. It gives the customer a positive first impression of the brand.

Email 2: Sent after 2 days as a reminder if still not purchased

Oops, Your 10% Off Is Gathering Dust!

  • Reminder: This email serves as a reminder for the customer about the unused 10% coupon. It nudges the customer to make a purchase.

  • Urgency: Stating that the coupon is gathering dust, it creates a sense of urgency, encouraging the customer to act quickly.

  • Re-engagement: If the customer hasn’t made a purchase yet, this email helps in re-engaging them with the brand.

Email 3: Sent after 5 days as last call

Your 10% Off Expires Soon

  • Final Reminder: This email acts as the final reminder for the customer to use their 10% coupon before it expires.

  • Urgency: The phrase “Last Call” creates a strong sense of urgency, pushing the customer to make a purchase immediately.

  • Conversion: This email aims to convert the customer into making a purchase if they haven’t already done so.

These emails are important because they help engage the customer, drive sales, and build brand loyalty. They use strategies like providing incentives and creating a sense of urgency to encourage customers to make a purchase. Furthermore, they help in re-engaging customers who might have forgotten about the coupon, thereby increasing the chances of conversion.

Creating a Welcome Email Workflow in Retainful

Retainful's Welcome Email Workflow is a powerful automation feature that allows you to effortlessly capture email addresses through a sign-up form and send a personalized 10% welcome discount to new subscribers. This documentation provides a step-by-step guide to setting up this workflow for an effective and engaging onboarding experience.

Setup process

  1. Login to your Retainful dashboard.

  2. Go to Automation -> Create Workflow -> Choose Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon.

  1. Give a Name to your Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon Email Workflow and click Create workflow to proceed.

Now, you will be redirected to the ‘Automation Workflow Builder’.

Trigger Setup

You can find the ‘Trigger’ at the top of the workflow. The trigger lets you determine when a customer can enter into the workflow. The trigger is set in such a way that when someone subscribes and gets added to the list, they will enter into the workflow.

When you click on the ‘Trigger’, you will get a chance to visualize the trigger settings.

Choose a list:

Select the list (New Subscribers), that you have chosen in the audience list step, and set it up in the welcome popup.

Other Workflow Triggers:

If you would like to set up any custom trigger rule or customer rule for the workflow, you can set it up on the right side. You learn how to configure the trigger here.

Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon Settings:

The ‘Coupon’ block is the core element of the ‘Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon’ workflow. You can click on the coupon block to find the coupon settings on the right side.

Here are the steps you need to follow to configure the Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon.

  1. Click on the ‘Coupon’ block

  2. Select the option for the coupon type

  3. Configure the coupon: Enter the coupon value, and set up the coupon expiry (Optional: You can enter a minimum order value if you would like to set up a minimum order value required for using the coupon)

  4. Update

Now you’ve successfully configured the Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon block.

Email Settings

As you have configured the Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon, it’s time to set up the Welcome New Customer With Dynamic Coupon emails.

You can click on the 1st ‘Email’ block to configure the email subject line, preview texts, smart sending, and email content.

Subject Line: The subject line should be interesting enough to get the customer to open the email.T

Preview text: You can set up a captivating preview text to motivate the customers to open the email.

Smart Sending: lets you define a timeframe within which subscribers won't receive more than one email from you. This applies to all campaigns and workflows. You can learn more here.

Edit Email Content

Click on the "Edit Email Contents" button to edit the contents of the email. This will bring up the visual drag-and-drop email editor.

If you would like to change the email template, you can click on the ‘Change template’ button on the left top and select a template of your choice. Also, you can save the template by clicking on the ‘ Save as Template’ for later use.

Change the Logo: Click on the placeholder logo ’Change me’. On the right side of the panel, you will see the option to change the logo.

Editing the email content: Just "double-click" on any content section to edit the default text on the email.

You can use the following shortcodes to personalize the email,

{{first_name}} - The First name of the customer.

{{last_name}} - The last name of the customer.

{{customer_name}} - The full name of the customer (the first and the last name)

{{shop.name}} - The name of the shop.

Configuring coupon block: You can click on the coupon block {{retainful dynamic coupon}} to configure the coupon.

For more shortcodes to personalize the email Click here.

Make sure to select the ‘Use the coupon code generated by the coupon step’ in the coupon settings.

Click the "Save" button once you have added the desired content and changed the logo in the email template.

Email components in Editor:

Retainful provides a few special components/blocks in the Email Editor for your Next Order Coupon emails. Here is the list of components.

Coupon Block: When the coupon block is included in the email, it will display the coupon you have configured for the block.

You can use the coupon block {{retainful dynamic coupon}} - Unique coupon codes will be dynamically generated when the coupon block is used in your email template.

Call-to-Action Button: Retainful generates a redirect URL for each next order coupon email. When the email is sent, customers can click on the "Shop Now” button to come back to the store and make another purchase at your store.

The Call-to-Action button in the default email templates is linked to your shop using the shortcode: {{retainful_shop_url_with_coupon_code}}

This shortcode also lets the coupon code auto-applied on the checkout page when a customer clicks on the CTA button and is redirected to the shop.

Testing Email

Once you have completed editing the email template, you can test the email.

With an email customized, return to the top of the email editor and click the ‘Send Test Email’ button to make sure all of the content displays as expected in your inbox.

Note: Test email will use sample data. Links and buttons in the test email lead to the home page only, as it is not an actual email.

Click the "Save" button once you have added the desired content and changed the logo in the email template.

Creating a series of emails in the workflow

Followed by the 1st Email block, we have the ‘Wait’ block in place to let the customer wait for 2 days before moving forward to the 2nd email block. If they still have not used the coupon.

You can edit and customize the wait condition based on the expiry days you’ve set for the coupon.

Also can set a specific time of the day and can choose a day of the week. You can learn more here.

Make sure to edit the 2nd email block and select the ‘Use the coupon code generated by the coupon step’ in the settings. And, you can customize the email subject line, preview texts, and email content if you want.

You ‘Save’ the email template once when you’re done with editing it.

Similarly, you can set up the 3rd wait condition based on the expiry days you’ve set for the coupon.

And, edit the 3rd email subject line, preview text, and email content. Most importantly, make sure to select the ‘Use the coupon code generated by the coupon step’ in the settings in the email template.

Click ‘Save’ when you’re done editing the email template.

Here is how the Workflow would look like now:

Going Live

If you are ready to set live the Next Order Coupon Workflow, you can click on the ‘Start Workflow’ button on the right top to set live the workflow.

That’s it. You’ve successfully set live your Welcome new customer with dynamic coupon Workflow in Retainful.

How to Test Your Welcome new customer with dynamic coupon Workflow

This article will let you know how you can test the

Here are the steps you need to follow to configure the Welcome new customer with dynamic coupon Workflow in your store.


Make sure you have set live the Welcome new customer with dynamic coupon Workflow at your Retainful dashboard -> Automation (The status of the workflow should be ‘Live’)

Testing Steps

The recommended way to test your next order coupon workflow is by placing a successful order in your store. You can consider choosing a low-value product in your store for placing this order

1. Open your storefront (your online storefront) in a Private / Incognito window (so that you can test like a customer)

2. As you have enabled the popup already based on the condition you have set it will show for you. Enter your email address then select the check box and submit.

You should receive the Welcome new customer with dynamic coupon email as soon as you have submitted the form.

Last updated