Automation Exit Rules

Learn how to use Exit rules in the automation

For abandoned cart workflows, customers will exit from a workflow if they match any of the following criteria:

  • Successfully completed the checkout [or]

  • Unsubscribed from receiving emails [or]

  • Recovered cart [or]

  • Completed their paths in the workflow

For post purchase workflows, customers will exit from a workflow if they match any of the following criteria:

  • Unsubscribed from receiving emails [or]

  • Completed their paths in the workflow [or]

  • Matched the exit rules

The last criteria mentioned above is exclusively available only in ‘Post purchase’ workflows.

To set up exit rules for your post purchase workflow, just click on the ‘Trigger’ block, on the right side you will find the Exit rule settings.

Setting up Exit rules in automation

You can set up the exit rules based on the number of orders placed by the customer entirely or based on the number of orders placed by the customer since the start of the workflow.

Also the “Order Status” rule under the “Exit Rules” allows you to control when a customer exits a workflow based on their order status. You can set conditions such as “Order status is”, “is not”, “contains”, or "does not contain".

For example, if you set the rule as “Order status contains Completed”, then customers whose order status includes “Completed” will exit the workflow. Conversely, if you set the rule as “Order status does not contain Completed”, then customers whose order status does not include “Completed” will exit the workflow.

You can add multiple rules in a single split and combine them with either AND or OR operator.

Last updated