Automation Split Rules

Learn how to use the Split rules in the automation

With the ‘Spilt rules’ you have the ability to create different automation paths based on trigger rules and customer rules within an automation workflow itself.

In this article below we explain how to use this robust feature and deliver a unique experience for your customers based on trigger rules and customer rules.

Setting up Split rules in a workflow

To add a split rule to an automation workflow, you can just click on the '+' icon and select the ‘Split rules’ option.

After you add a split rule to the workflow, just click on the ‘Split rules’ block to find the split rule configuration space on the right side.

Configuring split rules

In the split rule configuration, you can choose the rule that needs to be checked in the block. The rule can be set to one of the following criteria:

  • Trigger events

  • Customer properties

  • Flow behaviour - Defined by customers responses to previous blocks in the workflow. (This option is exclusively available only for post purchase automation workflows)

Anyone who matches the set split rules will go to the YES path, the others will go to the NO path.

For example, consider a split rule based on the customer’s language preference. If the rule is “Language is English”, customers whose language preference is English at your store will enter the “YES” path of the workflow. Customers who do not match this condition will enter the “NO” path.

What is even more exciting is that you can add multiple rules in a single split and combine them with either AND or OR operator.

Last updated